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We plan on achieving our goal for this year by teaching all students in our program not only how to play the recorder, but also how to create songs on their instruments; giving them the ability to learn and create. Moreover, in the past six months, we have visited the school five times and each time, we were able to distribute wooden recorders, teach, create, practice, and perform in our small groups. Our ASOY students did an excellent job of being teachers and role models for the other students. They successfully taught the students and by the end of the first visit, more than half of the other students were able to play Hot Cross Buns. Our strategy for this year is that we pivot on teaching the students how to play the recorder, compose songs, and perform with confidence in front of an audience. Based upon a survey given to the students, we are conscious of the fact that many would like to also learn how to play guitar and piano. After speaking with the director of Maxime Prestige and among ourselves, we decided that providing guitars and keyboards and more instruments is our goal for next year. Due to the students requesting those lessons and opportunities, we know that our project can be most effective by acknowledging their wishes. This would of course entail us to budget for the cost of these instruments and all other stakeholders. 


Our Goal

Our goal, for this year, is that the students from both ASOY and Maxime Prestige develop skills and are able to express themselves through music. We aim to provide the resources for Maxime Prestige to prosper within their own musical department. We hope to be able to perform at a future ASOY gathering to showcase our accomplishments from the year.

Cultivate. Relate. Enlighten. Accomplish.Transform.Elevate. 

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